Bob's Words of Wisdom

It’s now simply a case of Good vs Evil

While we don’t know how much RFK’s endorsement of Trump will affect the election, it is certainly a move in the right direction. If nothing else, it will show Americans how far to the left the democratic party has moved when we see a die-hard democrat like Robert F Kennedy endorse a republican for president.

This could be the monkey wrench that screws up the plan to keep Kamala in the basement just like they did to Biden as RFK is sure to swing between 4 and 8% of his supporters to vote for Trump. Kamala has been totally scripted to say only what is on the teleprompter because the party leaders know she is not capable of thinking for herself. You only need to know that the platform she presented with new taxes, and plenty of government giveaways was a means to sway votes in her direction. There are still no policies regarding what she will do if she is elected, only vague messages about how much she has done with Joe to save the country from Donald Trump. Kamala is truly an empty Pant Suit who doesn’t have a clue how to fix the economy. Joe and Kamala were instrumental in destroying our country with their new regulations that stopped drilling for gas and oil on federal land on their first day in office and at the same time opened up our borders to millions of illegals.

Kamala claims she can fix all of our problems. If this is true, why hasn’t she done so in the 3 ½ years she has been in office? Neither Walz nor Harris have presented any brilliant ideas on how to Make America Great Again except for stealing Trump’s ideas. The only thing they have presented are a means of buying votes with more government spending and giveaways while hiking our debt by over 2 trillion dollars. Keep in mind that neither of these individuals has had any real experience in running a business so why would we hand them the keys to our country and its economic future?

We should all be concerned about this election as it will determine which fork in the road America will take. Will we take the one that leads to economic recovery and a closed border or the road that leads to socialism or even communism where the middle class will disappear into the sunset? I’m not sure that the voters in our country are ready to make this type of decision nor do I think most of them understand the consequences if Kamala and Walz win this election.

Christ Troupis Book

As I write this, there are only 72 days to the most important election in U.S. history, and it is doubtful that there is enough time for the electorate to learn enough about how dangerous it would be if the democrats win this race. With the liberal media and social media technology companies doing all they can to scam us into voting for the democrats, it will be much like when Hitler took over Germany with his propaganda machine. We think that what happened in Germany can never be repeated. We forget that Germany was a profoundly Christian nation, so what happened that allowed satanic evil to creep in and destroy this country? We too often get sucked along with the culture especially living in America. Here, things are pretty good and there is the lack of suffering and lack of evil around us that lulls us into a state of passivity and silence but silence in the face of evil is itself evil.

Are Americans asking themselves have I been silent and where’s the evil? Everyone seems to think what is happening in our country will go away. But will it or will it grow into something more sinister than we ever imagined?

We are a Christian nation yet we hear very little coming out of our pastors, priests, and rabbi’s mouths on where they stand, and it has to make you wonder why are they so silent in these difficult times. If we believe we are any different than the church of the 30s in Germany, we are fools as what could be more chilling than silence in the face of evil?

It is difficult when we see how blessed we are to believe there is this thing called evil. When you look back at our history, Americans have paid the price for freedom with their blood sweat, and tears. Our government allows us to be free to say whatever we want without the fear of oppression, although some would argue that point under the current administration. Why do so many of us take our freedoms for granted? The world in which we live is currently a broken, sin-sick place and it has only taken 3 ½ short years to get us here. It is hard for me to imagine where we will be in the next four years if Kamala and company are elected.

God sees how we believe by how we behave. It’s not what you believe, it is how we live our lives and don’t speak up about injustices. The lord is letting everything go to hell at the speed of light to wake up his church and it is truly a blessing that things are getting so bad that people are now asking themselves should I speak up? If you’re silent when everything is going downhill, God knows you’re not trusting him. Many of our clergy are silent because they are afraid to lose members if they speak out. However, I believe if more of our clergy did speak out, they would find their congregations would grow not diminish. We have to stop playing it safe and get involved by speaking out and doing what we can to change how our nation has been going in the wrong direction. It is time for all true Christians to stand up and be counted because if we don’t, we are all going to hell in a handbasket.

It was Dietrich Bonhoeffer who spoke out against Hitler and it is high time we stand up against this progressive movement that is leading us into the great abyss of socialism or even communism. If that happens, we will have no more freedom of speech or freedom of religion. Bonhoeffer talked about religion and about religious people going to church and that you must live your life for the lord. Everyone is currently looking the other way playing it safe which puts us in tremendous danger.

The time is now for Christians to speak up loudly and use their influence to show how much we love Christ and we will not put up with these evil progressive ideas. You either trust the lord with your life or you don’t. We are in the same place that the German church was in 1933. This is a nightmare and if we are afraid to speak out against cultural Marxism critical race theory transgenderism madness or any of these issues, we should remember that God is judging us by our actions. He will continue to judge us because the lives of millions depend upon what we do to fix the problems. Too many Americans have been silent in the face of evil. We either live free and die for the truth or keep silent in the face of evil and we will reap the same fate as Germany did. We need to wake up. We need to be an army for Christ. Believe me, there will be no second chances. If evil wins it will be our fault. Remember all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

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