John Livingston

God of our Fathers

God of our fathers, known of old,
Lord of our far-flung battle line,
Beneath whose awful hand we hold
Dominion over palm and pine —
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget!

— “Recessional” by Rudyard Kipling

For several years now I have prayed for a leader for our country who loves God and acknowledges as Tucker Carlson did last night that “God is amongst us”. Assuming such a position of “supplication” requires first humility and then gratitude. George Washington assumed such a position at Valley Forge as he knelt on his knees every day and prayed to God—Divine Providence. Abraham Lincoln opined, and I paraphrase that it is more important for us to try to be on God’s side, than it is to ask the question if God is on our side.

I have many progressive friends who have marginalized and characterized Christians and especially Christian politicians. Think about what happened to Sarah Palin. As a Catholic, I was proud to see last night J. D. Vance make the Sign of The Cross before Mr. Trump’s speech.

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Amongst coffee with friends, several of them opined that “it was not Divine Providence” that held Mr. Trump in His hands as a bullet whizzed by and grazed his right ear. Their basic moral predicate was that there is no such thing as Divine Providence or that God doesn’t interfere with individual lives or in the affairs of nations. Nothing could be further from the truth in my opinion. I was reminded of the story in Luke 16: 19-31 of the Rich man dressed in purple and the poor man—Lazarus. The rich man went to hell not because he was rich but because he was prideful. The poor man went to heaven not because he was poor, but because he was humble. For anyone to define the Holy Spirit’s motives or objectives in human terms is not wise—it is in fact prideful.

When Tucker Carlson said “God is amongst us,” it means God is always amongst us and is sovereign to act in ways that we are incapable of understanding. We all must strive to not let our hearts be hardened in the way that God’s glory cannot be appreciated and revered. Why can two people look at the same sunset across the ocean and one sees God’s creation and chooses by his own free will to celebrate the Creator, and the other takes a more pantheistic position and celebrates the creation itself? Humility and gratitude are prerequisites for proper worship. Why were the two discoverers—Watson and Crick, of the DNA double Helix so different in their understanding of their discovery and of the physical world—one was an atheist and another a believer. The evidence for both is the same—what fills “the hole in their hearts”—Blasé Pascal, is different.

I pray for all our leaders and all our people—including President Biden. We were Founded by Christian People. The moral predicate for the legitimacy of our Founding and for our existence today is grounded in Biblical and Natural Law Principles. Holding those principles and beliefs in our hearts should be the bases for the next GREAT AWAKENING.

For heathen heart that puts her trust
In reeking tube and iron shard,
All valiant dust that builds on dust,
And, guarding, calls not Thee to guard;
For frantic boast and foolish word—
Thy Mercy on Thy People, Lord!

Make America Great Again.

We should all get down on our knees and thank God for our Blessings and ask that we can always remain humble and supplicant to HIS WILL.

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3 replies on “God of our Fathers”


There have been a number of people claiming that Trump was protected by the angels of God and/or God Himself. For example, Pastor John Locke posted the following: “Today, the entire world saw a dispatch of Angelic protection from The LORD.”

God is indeed sovereign over everything that occurs in heaven and on earth.

However, it’s of paramount importance to ask and answer correctly to what end was Trump protected?

Has Trump been raised up as someone who’s going to help save America from the precipice upon which she precipitously teeters?

Or, has Trump been raised up as part of God’s judgment upon what’s become a very wicked nation, per, for example, Daniel 4:17?

The answer’s certainly not found in Option #1.

Although, Trump is the better option for some temporary fixes, ultimately, no man who promotes the biblically seditious Constitution (responsible for all of America’s woes) as the supreme law of the land is going to be used to save America from the precipice.

Consequently, the only option remaining is Option #2.

1787/1788, with the creation and adoption, of the Constitution, marks the official commencement of America’s suicidal trek to the precipice.

For evidence, see free online book “Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective,” in which every Article and Amendment is examined by the Bible, at bible versus constitution dot org. Click on the top entry on our Online Book page.

Find out how much you really know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the sidebar and receive a free copy of the 85-page “Primer” of “BL vs. USC.”


Do you not beleive that God is “always amongst us”?

Acknowledging that “God is always amongst us” provides the humility and understanding that no matter how hard we try—and we are given the duty and free will to always try hard, things may not always go the way we think they should go. “Divine Providence” always has a plan and is “always amongst us”.

Trying to discern if God is on our side is a prideful act of huberus. Striving to try to be always on God’s side is and act of humility.

Our Founding Fathers understood intimately the difference.

Creating a system of human governance based on Biblical and Natural Law traditions, understanding the inherant desire in all men to be our own gods, and the goodness of Devine Providence in Providng for both our spiritual and material needs, they created a system of governance that allowed all of us to exercise our “free will” (liberty) for the good of ourselves, our families and our country.

An accomplishment never before or after in the history of the world ever duplicated.

Good job boys!

Hope we never let you down.

Ted. You wear me out. Why don’t you start your own news publication. Have you ever heard the term so heavenly minded that you are no earthly good.
You’re a Bible terrorist. You know you beet everyone over the head with it and your interpretation like a Marxist.
This is not heaven, or the kingdom of righteousness. The prince of the air rules here and you know it. Also remember he is Gods devil.
This is a fallen world. Live with it or get some medication for your self. I grab some Tylenol for the migrain you give me.

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