
2024 General Election Recommendations

In Idaho, the best time to select conservative candidates is typically the Primary Election, where voters often have a choice between an establishment RINO and a true conservative. Once we get to the General Election, the choice (when there is one) is usually between a Republican and a Democrat, and voting for Democrats is simply not justifiable in 2024, when their party has unreservedly embraced the most radical forms of anti-American Marxism.

In most cases, voting for Republicans in the General Election is the right choice. There are some cases, however, where we must break with this standard and vote for the truly conservative candidate or reject a Republican nominee whose betrayals of the Party Platform and Constitutional principles are too extreme to ignore.

With this understanding in mind, we present the following recommended candidates for races in which voting against the Republican candidate is the right thing to do:

Ada County Sheriff — Doug Traubel (Constitution Party)

Idaho State Senate, District 1 — Dan Rose (Independent)

Idaho State Senate, District 21 — Mike Long (Libertarian Party)

Idaho State Senate, District 26 — Kala Tate (Independent)

(NOTE: We are not offering recommendations in races where the only conservative is a write-in candidate.)

We will also point out that there are a number of races in which the Republican nominee faces no conservative opposition, despite not being a conservative themselves. It is up to each conservative voter to decide when withholding your vote is morally necessary. You are encouraged to consult the Idaho Freedom Index to learn more about how your legislators behave once elected.

Spring Favorites

15 replies on “2024 General Election Recommendations”

Thank you for the recommendations!
I often feel that organizations such as yours are far more enlightened on such things as who is truly a conservative.

I voted absentee ballot. It’s now early voting time. You should have sentThis email earlier and resent it weekly.

What bothers me is when it doesn’t have a party affiliation next to their name (like in the mayoral election.) That’s how these establishment sellouts & latter-climbing traitors get elected. I would be SHOCKED if there are ANY “blue states” that don’t have party affiliation next to names on ballots. Are there any such races on Nov 5th in Ada County? I vote straight Republican (yes, even for RINO’s) in cases where having a majority is necessary. You can ALWAYS trust a Democrat to vote with the Marxists. But sometimes, even a RINO can be forced to vote the right way, even if their sole concern is preserving their own power. Judges would also be nice to have yes/no endorsements on, but I wonder if there is a fear of retribution in the form of legal ramifications? In the past, I’ve always voted “no” on all of them – simply because I don’t know who’s good or bad. I realize this isn’t fair to the majority of judges. But my goal is to cancel out one of the many “yes”-for-every-judge ballots… which are not fair for the exact same reason. There ARE some corrupt judges, and for those voters who know about them, I want to help compound their “No”-vote in any way that I can.

I applaud your efforts here to OUT the RINOs who run as Republicans!
However I believe you missed the MOST IMPORTANT ONE in not OUTING MIKE SIMPSON who continues to swing more left leaning except at election time of course. Then he tries to appear very conservative while launching SMEAR CAMPAIGNS AGAINST HIS PRIMARY OPPONENTS.
This General Election however, voters have a REAL CHOICE FOR THE 2ND DISTRICT CONGRESSMAN by voting FOR TODD CORSETTI – the Libertarian candidate!
For all you TERM LIMITS LOVERS, HERE IS A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY TO APPLY TERM LIMITS FOR IMMEDIATE EFFECT- and save our dams on the Snake River at the same time!
Vote Todd Corsetti for Congress – NOT MIKE SIMPSON!

This has not changed – way back the early CA “defectors” were the same as they are now – leaving what they ‘apparently’ abhorred and getting them instituted in States they ‘escaped’ from. We need communities to install ballot drop boxes to catch more of the same shenanigans. How many more of RINOs are in the year 2024 running the government’s agendas for personal gain without consideration for even their own immediate children and grandchildren – thereby delivering them and sealing their slave to whatever Demons put in place. Enjoy your wealth and other ill-gotten gains and hope the ‘wealth’ you leave behind won’t be government booty along with imprisonment, or worse; should your progenitors dare resist.

Here’s a personal post from another blog ”

November 2, 2024 5:00 pm

Voted in Ada County Idaho yesterday. The lines went around the block and it took about 2 hours to vote. No one left the line while I was there and it got longer as the day stretched out. The election officials were staffed up but extremely shocked to see this kind of turn out this early which, according to them, has never happened before.

Newsom’s crappy CA economy has sent many Californians to Idaho which is turning Boise (the capital) from Red to purple. There were more Harris signs this year than Biden signs in 2020 but the Trump signs clearly outnumbered them.

I am part of a multidisciplinary medical practice and have many new patients that relocated from California. They all have bemoaned the high taxes, serious crime, poverty and filth of the cities they left i.e LA, San Diego, San Fran and others. When I asked them if having that kind of perspective coming from where they were in CA previously would it change their voting habits? They all answered including the wives and/or husbands that they just couldn’t force themselves to vote conservative.

Note : What follows the last sentence, I am not including

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